Class Feedback 10/2 & Project Update: Team Just Got Bigger!
Today was a good day for the soundness of the project, for the house of two just became the house of three. When we did the speed dating activity in last week's class, I knew Tyler and I had somewhat similar interests, but it was even more thrilling to see that we actually were now in this. Let's see what team of Hanah, Gizem and Tyler is capable of?
After briefly talking to Alan, Vic, and Paul: here are the outcomes:
- Think of the audience's experience, and work your way backwards to the idea
- We could make a bubbler if we wanted to work with pneumatics and air compressors
- Our input for the mechanism, potentially would be derived from temperature, that is after all, can be a euphemism for inflammation, and indirectly, entropy.
After briefly talking to Annet, Ryan, and Margaret, here are the outcomes:
- Margaret: we could potentially produce a bacterial driven machine using a CO2 current
- Annet: it would be a good idea to illustrate/storyboard our idea, see the shape it's taking and then possibly decide on methodology and/or form?
- Ryan: For the bacterias: our microbiome IS an environment for the bacteria. It's a shift in perspective.
- Margaret: Joseph Campbell's take on ritual in food
- I Contain Multitudes book
- Thinking about form, the audience, but overall keeping the freedom of being didactic or informal to ourselves
Combining all this, and our internal conversations, we MAY have a direction. A very vague one. We agreed on preparing our individual storyboards for before next Tuesday, we will try to converge them from there.
DIRECTION: Tyler is interested in duplicating the Miller Urey experiment and the primordial soup. I am interested in what happens when we radicalize our relationship to food and what happens when food is stripped down from all the BS, such as cultural context, emotional attachment, unnecessary ingredients. Still keeping the entangled relationship between mind, body, environment and using fermentation as a metaphor, I can totally imagine us coming up with a "system" where we produce edible "non-food"s (although they are the building blocks of foods today), producing them in an other-worldly fashion, creating a non-restaurant non-menu out of all this. Initially, it seems like a good concept to combine all three of us' strengths and interests.
I think it's a good thought experiment to try to combine our desires, strengths, and inclinations altogether. We realize that this is a long process and we might digress from time to time (just like now, I already feel like a lot is changed, but good!), but staying practical and loyal to purpose should keep us on our feet.
For the next post, I'll try to schematize what I have in mind after all of this conversation.