Project Development Cont'd: Research & Collab
After I published my first prompt about my potential idea, Hanah and I realized how much our topics overlap, so we decided to sit down and chat. We dug out many potential interest areas, with one of them particularly standing out: fermentation process and how food can be a mediator between the environment and in our body. We are currently developing our project idea. More details will be here soon. In the mean time, for a possible output, here is what I found out:

Soft fluidic actuators consisting of elatomeric matrices with embedded flexible materials are of particular interest. Combination of contracting muscled and inextensible fibers to transform into controllable shapes camouflage into their surrounding environment.
Inflatable silicon membranes to create gut and brain analogues
Control input ---> pressurized fluid
Some what-if questions to open up space for speculative realism:
= What if what I eat could alter my environment?
= What if the thermic effect of the foods I eat did have an affect on my outside world?
= What are the psychobiotics that can be used as mood alterers?
Behavior is not only controlled by brain, but it is the result of the reciprocal dynamical coupling of brain, body and environment.
The Entropy of Body
Searching For A Qualitative Data In Stomach